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C Programming Skills, 3rd edition by Keith Davenport, Michael Vine | Cengage

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ISBN: 9789360533137

3rd Edition

Copyright: 2015

India Release: 2024

• Each chapter begins with a brief introduction to chapter-based concepts.

• Series Of programming concepts and small programs that illustrate each Of

the major points of the chapter.

• Put these concepts together to build a complete program at the end Of the chapter.

• Located at the end of every chapter is a summary that outlines key concepts learned.

• Throughout the book, few other tidbits, notably the following:

Trick: These contain information that deserves extra attention.

Trap: These warn or caution when it's easy to make a mistake or where

you might run into a problem.

Hint: These provide additional insight or information related to a chapter topic.

• SIDEBAR: concepts are used beyond beginning programming or in the real world.


700 gram

Table of Contents

1. Getting Started with C Programming

2. Primary Data Types

3. Conditions

4. Looping Structures

5. Structured Programming

6- Arrays

7. Pointers

8. Strings

9. Introduction To Data Structures

10. Dynamic Memory Allocation

11. File Input and Output

12- The C Preprocessor

A Common Unix Cornmands

B VIM Quick cuide

C NANO Quick Guide

D rcc Quick Guide

E ASCII Character Codes

F COMMON C Library Functions